On 26th April 2018 LAPG held a reception to launch its second Annual Review. Baroness Helena Kennedy QC spoke about the importance of legal aid work and the rule of law. She remembered once being asked if she was the barrister who represented ‘women and other criminals’. Co–chairs Jenny Beck and Nicola Mackintosh QC(Hon) referred to the work of LAPG and its importance in supporting members and their clients. Jenny congratulated Lord Justice McFarlane who has this week been appointed as the next president of the Family Division. Director Carol Storer thanked all who work with LAPG especially the extraordinary committee members who give up a lot of their valuable time to respond to consultations, answer members’ questions and attend committee meetings to ensure that LAPG is run efficiently. Highlights of our year can be read in the Review: Download a copy here. (PDF 1.1MB)